Total: ¥0
Officially licensed by NHL
Artist: Stolitron
Size: 18 ” x 24”
Details: 6-color screen print commemorates the retirement ceremony of Rangers legend Vic Hadfield, which took place on Sunday December 2nd, 2018 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The print showcases Mr. Hadfield along with his partners on the famed Goal-A-Game line, Jean Ratelle and Rod Gilbert. Now all three members of the team have retired numbers with the Rangers.
Run: Limited edition printer proofs.
What is a Serigraph?Serigraphy is also known as silk screening or screen printing. It uses a stencil-based printing process in which ink is forced through a fine screen onto the paper beneath. The process is carefully repeated with each color, making sure each design element is lined up properly, until the entire design is complete. |
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